The Library of the Institute is a shared facility for common use, providing and preserving the books, journals and documents etc. necessary for education and research activities in a collected and ordered fashion, and offering the opportunity of learning and study to the whole university.
●The library of Tobata campus (Main Library) is a 4-storey building made of reinforced concrete with 591 seats (including seats for Personal Computer and Audio-visual use). There are about 443,000 volumes and equipment(computers, iPads and laptops for internet use), with Learning Commons for creative group study. It is a pleasant environment for study.
●The library of Iizuka campus (Computer Science and Systems Engineering Branch Library) is a 3-storey reinforced concrete building with 328 seats (including seats for Personal Computer and Audio-visual use). There are about 142,000 volumes and equipment (computers, iPads and laptops for internet use), with Learning Commons for creative group study. It is a pleasant environment for study.

Library of Tobata campus

Library of Iizuka campus
- Kyushu Institute of Technology Library
- Kyushu Institute of Technology Academic Repository (Kyutacar)