- First-Aid Treatment
- Regular Medical Check-ups
- Health Consultation
- Counseling Service
- Self-Medical Checking Facility
The Center for Student Health, Kyutech, with its main building is located on Tobata campus, services of the center are offered at its branches on each campus. Comprehensive health maintenance and enhancement are aimed at, for all registered students, researchers, staffs, faculties, and for all the campus personnel. Medical doctors, nurses, and counselors are on duty and are available for those services, which include:
First-Aid Treatment
We provide services of first-aid treatment as an emergency measure with nursing, or with dispensing drugs upon clinical examination in case of the following physical disorders: feeling ill, headaches, abdominal pains, cold symptoms and injuries. However for cases of severe injury, or of those which need emergency treatments or continual treatments, the patients will be directed to the appropriate medical facility.

Regular Medical Check-ups
The center implement and conduct the well planned regular medical examinations for all students as well as campus staffs, on three campuses respectively, in April every year. Those who were found to have a problem through the examination will be followed up for further checks and/or guidance.

Health Consultation
Professional counseling service regarding physical problems or illness is available at the center. Please feel free to visit our center for the help. Also, books and periodicals are available for further reference.
Counseling Service
Personal counseling with a Certified Clinical Psychologist is being offered at the Center on each campus. The Clinical Psychologist builds relationship with clients, in dialogue and behavior so that they can overcome their own psychological and emotional issues and can improve the mental health of the client. Varieties of psychological problems are addressed such as interpersonal relationship with friends or associates, learning motivations, personality problems, or problems of hypersensitivity to anxiety and stress, or constant concern on unforgettable issues. Those who wish to contact a Clinical Psychologist, feel free to visit the Center window on your campus, or contact the center office listed in the below via e-mail for appointment. Personal data and information discussed in the course of therapy are strictly kept confidential in order to protect clients’ privacy.
Please check the flow for counseling reservation.
Self-Medical Checking Facility
Health Center is facilitated with automatic measurement equipments for self-medical checking free to use by visitors. Those are to measure body height, weight, blood pressure, body fat percentage, eyesight, etc. Sonic massage chairs are also available to ease mind and for muscle relaxation

Contact offices of the Center for Student Health on the respective campuses via E-mail:
Tobata Center:
Iizuka Branch:
Wakamatsu Branch: