Our Mission
Center for Microelectronic Systems (CMS) was established in order to contribute to the local community on education, research, and prototype development of the LSI-related technologies. All the necessary facilities are available in CMS to conduct various LSI development activities, such as circuit design, fabrication, material analyses, electrical measurements, and LSI testing. Those facilities are utilized to provide the educational opportunities that can promote comprehensive and practical understanding of the LSI technology, as well as the research environment where novel devices can be experimented without much restriction. It is our mission to create and foster the next-generation industries, based on the local needs, and to work as the regional hub of the research and development for the joint industry-university projects.
Research Activities
We are engaged in experimental study of innovative technologies such as development of new circuits, new device structures, and new material applications. Facilities are available for joint research projects. You could experiment your innovative ideas even when those ideas are too advanced to perform in your corporation.
Educational Opportunities
We offer a seminar course for undergraduate students where they perform fabrication and evaluation of the pn-junction diodes. We also accept graduate students for various research topics on LSI. Two extensive programs are also available for adult education; one is an introductory LSI fabrication course for new employees, while the other is a more advanced program related to a challenging semiconductor research topics. Please contact us, if you are interested in training courses for new employees, retraining of veterans, or any educational opportunities to experience the essence of semiconductor devices.

Center for Microelectronic Systems (CMS)

Clean room

Semiconductor wafer