- 2018.11.15 Signing Ceremony with Egyptian research institution for satellite remote sens...
- 2018.11.05 Kyutech student wins best poster award at international conference Ubicomp 2018
- 2018.11.05 SPATIUM-I satellite released successfully from ISS
- 2018.10.17 Kyutech-UPM Mobility Program in Autumn 2018
- 2018.10.12 Kyutech student wins best paper award at ICIEV & IVPR international conference
- 2018.10.12 Students from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology visits Kyu...
- 2018.10.05 6th Kyutech and UPM International Joint Symposium
- 2018.09.27 International Joint Workshop on Kyutech Research Centers
- 2018.09.07 The 14th Japan-Korea KMK Joint Seminar on Civil Engineering held at Kyutech
- 2018.09.07 International exchange program in Mechanical Engineering field with partner...
- 2018.08.28 KYUTECH and TAIWANTECH hold the Joint Research Workshop in Taipei
- 2018.08.24 Summer exchange program between Changwon National University and Kyutech
- 2018.08.24 Check our new promotional video!
- 2018.08.22 Kyutech professor's research on lip reading introduced in British magazine "I...
- 2018.08.10 Kyutech Welcomes the Delegations from the Philippines
- 2018.08.08 Kyutech-Universiti Putra Malaysia Mobility Program (July 2018)
- 2018.08.07 Kyutech International Students Hold a Cultural Exchange Event at Wakamatsu Ca...
- 2018.07.26 The 5th Seminar for Young Researchers at Kyutech
- 2018.07.20 Kyutech invites students from the partners in Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand u...
- 2018.07.12 The 2nd robotics & computer science workshop with the City College of New York
- 2018.07.12 Kyutech welcomes University of California this year again
- 2018.07.05 Kyutech Student Project team "Hibikino-Musashi@Home" wins the 1st place award...
- 2018.07.05 Kyutech holds Study Abroad Risk Management Seminar
- 2018.05.23 Prof. Woo-Suck HAN from ?cole des Mines de Saint-?tienne (France) visits Kyut...
- 2018.05.02 Kyutech-UPM Mobility Program (April 2018)
- 2018.04.13 Kyutech ranks up to #24 in Times Higher Education Japan University Rankings 2018
- 2018.04.12 University of Lorraine and Kyutech hold Joint Workshop on Robotics in Nancy, ...
- 2018.04.12 The 2nd joint symposium on Chemical Vapor Deposition Method at St. Petersburg...
- 2018.04.12 International Exchange Party held at St. Petersburg National First Medical Un...
- 2018.04.11 Kyutech delegates visit National Taiwan University of Science and Technology