Twenty students from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) visited Kyutech from January 23 to February 5, 2019, as the fifth batch of the Kyutech-UPM Mobility Program for the Year 2018-2019.
Participants visited Smart Life Care Co-Creation Lab led by Prof. Tomohiro Shibata and Assoc. Prof. Yoshito Ando’s lab at Kyutech Wakamatsu campus, and learned about their advanced research projects and efforts for social implementation.
They also visited Kitakyushu Eco Town, Yaskawa Electric Corporation, and Shabondama Soap to learn about advanced technologies and efforts for sustainability. Prior to these factory tours, they studied various aspects of sustainable development through the workshop by Dr. Reiko Kato of Institute of Liberal Arts and the lecture by an officer from the City of Kitakyushu's Resource Circulation Division.
The UPM students joined other activities such as Japanese classes, a tea ceremony experience at Ashiyagama no Sato, a field trip to Kokura and Mojiko areas with Kyutech student buddies, and a party at Kyutech’s Language Lounge. Participants experienced and learned a lot with fun.