From February 27th to March 10th, 2023, Kyutech held an E-mobility program in collaboration with Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). This is a part of the international exchange series with UPM and Kyutech, and the March+ program was organized by the Institute of Liberal Art of Kyutech. 17 UPM students and 5 Kyutech students participated in the program. In addition, 8 UPM students, who participated in previous programs, supported the program as student committee members.
Two experts from each institution were invited as guest speakers and shared their experiences and contributions to SDGs: “Biosphere, Human Being, Agriculture and the Future of the Earth” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hirofumi Saito (Institute of Liberal Arts, Kyutech) and “Zero Waste Program in UPM” by Mr. Shafiq bin Johar (Faculty of Agriculture, UPM). The participants also visited Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center virtually and learned about the Sound Material-Cycle Society. They also tackled on a project designing an intercultural learning space to enhance students' intercultural competences, which is a key to achieving SDGs. In addition, cultural activities organized by the students, helped them to get to know each other better.
Despite difficulties, such as poor internet connections and language barriers, the participants demonstrated their attitude of curiosity and wanting to meet new friends. Through this experience they took a first step for international collaboration to enrich SDGs initiatives.

Designed Idea for an Intercultural Learning Space