5th International Workshop on Lean Satellite (5th IWLS) was successfully held at Kitakyushu International Conference Center from January 18 to 20, 2023. The workshop was organized by Laboratory of Lean Satellite Enterprises and In-Orbit Experiments (LaSEINE), Kyushu Institute of Technology in collaboration with City of Kitakyushu with support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan.
IWLS has been organized by Kyutech every year since 2011 to discuss various aspects of lean satellites. This international effort has led to the publication of ISO-19683 “Space systems - Design qualification and acceptance tests of small spacecraft and units” in July, 2017, and ISO-TS-20991 “Space systems - Requirements for small spacecraft” in August, 2017.
In total 141 people attended the workshop this year from all over the world including 97 in-person participants (62 domestic and 35 abroad). Various topics surrounding lean satellites, especially international standardization of lean satellite testing, were discussed while Prof. Mengu Cho from LaSEINE, Kyutech served as the coordinator.
The workshop included the laboratory tour to Center for Nanosatellite Testing at Kyutech and the industry tour to the YASKAWA robot factory in Yahata. The reception was held at the Kokura Castle tower overlooking the night of Kokura.

Commemorative photo