The honorable delegations from the Embassy of Republic of Uganda in Japan and the Government of Republic of Zimbabwe visited Kyutech on May 10th, 2022. The delegation of Republic of Uganda was headed by Mr. Mulijo Shadraque Wasike, Acting Ambassador to Japan, and the delegation of Republic of Zimbabwe was headed by Prof. Dr. Amon MURWIRA, The Honorable Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development.
Kyutech President, Prof. Dr. Yasunori Mitani welcomed their courtesy visit and expressed his gratitude to the delegations for their contribution and commitment for the BIRDS-5 project, a multinational cube satellite development project of the Graduate School of Kyutech.
Prof. Dr, Tohru Kamiya, Vice President (for International Affairs), Prof. Dr. Mengu Cho, Director of the BIRDS Project and the Laboratory of Lean Satellite Enterprises and In-Orbit Experiments, and the international students from both countries attended to the meeting to celebrate the completion of the first cube satellites for both countries.
Kyutech and the delegations have acknowledged about enhancing the collaboration on not only the field of Space Engineering but also various fields of science and technology.

Mr. Mulijo Shadraque Wasike, Acting Ambassador to Japan