Kyutech had an online event with Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan), and Thammasat University (Thailand) from January 27 to 29 of 2021 under SAKURA Exchange Program in Science by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). This is the final year of the three-year program. Kyutech could not invite the participants to Japan because of the COVID-19 pandemic and tried an online activity by a new platform.
The Participants had a group work to prepare their poster with voice explanations about healthcare products in a virtual room, and then gave presentations at a virtual event room. More than 200 people visited the event and enjoyed the poster presentations, other videos about previous activity, and discussion.
Students worked well to share their knowledge and computer skills with each other even online.

Opening session by Zoom

Day 1: Free conversation

Day 2: Group work

Day 3: Poster presentation

Poster award ceremony