On April 23rd, Monday, Prof. Dr. Woo-Suck HAN visited Kyutech from ?cole des Mines de Saint-?tienne (EMSE) of France, which is one of the important international partners.
EMSE and Kyutech start the Double Degree Program from this year and there are already 4 candidates from EMSE to Kyutech (2 candidates coming to Iizuka campus and another 2 coming to Wakamatsu campus) and 2 Japanese candidates from Kyutech to EMSE. Prof. HAN had an interview with those Kyutech students including several Kyutech students applying for 1-semester exchange program at EMSE.
During the courtesy visit to Kyutech President and Vice-President (International), Kyutech and EMSE share the common understanding to promote the collaborations to strenghthen the partnership between both institutions.

Courtesy visit to President (Prof. Yuji OIE) and Vice President for International (Prof. Teruhisa OHNO) for mutual discussion ( Prof. Woo-Suck HAN on the 2nd from the right)

Courtesy visit to Dean ( Prof. Seiji KAJIHARA) of School of Computer Science and Systems Engineering:Iizuka Campus

Courtesy visit to Dean ( Prof. Tsuyoshi HANAMOTO) of Graduate School of Life Science and Systems Engineering: Wakamatsu Campus