The 4th Symosium on Applied Engineering and Sciences (SAES2016) was held at Kyutech Tobata Campus on December 17th and 18th. Kyutech and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) has been holding this Symposium since 2013 which has been greatly contributing to enhance research collaborations between Kyutech and UPM.
Not only Plenary Speech, Keynote Speech, Oral Sessions, and Poster Sessions, Kyutech and UPM broght in pararell event sessions such as SATREPS session, Japan-Malaysia Science & Innovation network session (co-hosted with JETRO and Kyushu Economic Federation), and International Research Unit Workshop. The Symposium ended with great success and the largest number of participants exceeding more than 280 people from Malaysia, Japan, the United States, Mexico, Turkey, India, Korea, and so on.
The 5th Symposium (SAES2017) will be hosted by UPM in Malaysia in December 2017.