On November 13th, Kyutech international students from three campuses had a field trip. We visited Mameda Town, Hita City and Koishiwara Ceramics Museum in Toho Village, Asakura City.
A total of 44 international students from 15 countries participated in the trip this year. They spent time on the bus listening to the Kyutech staff explain where they were visiting, and talking with others to deepen their friendships. This trip is a good opportunity to get to know international students from other campuses and make new friends.
Hita City is one of the three major production areas of Geta sandals and Tenryo Hita Hakimono Museum Ashitaya displays the biggest Geta sandals in Japan. The scale of the Geta sandal is about 4 meters high, 2 meters wide, and weighs about 1 ton so International students were overwhelmed by its size. After looking around various types of Geta sandals and old stuff on the second floor, International students took many pictures and enjoyed walking around the beautiful Japanese castle town.
At the Koishiwara Ceramics Museum, a staff explained the history of Koishiwara ware, traditional techniques and so on in detail. Koishiwara ware has been passed down for 400 years, and International students enjoyed seeing beautiful potteries and climbing kilns with interest.
Thanks to the beautiful weather, the students had a great time in all of those places they visited. Through this field trip, they learned about Japanese unique culture and history.

Tenryo Hita Hakimono Museum Ashitaya

Group Photo with the biggest Geta in Japan

Koishiwara Ceramics Museum

Group Photo with the climbing kiln