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Kyutech Student Receives Best Student Paper Award at 17th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference


Kyutech student received the Best Student Paper Award at the 17th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference held in Avignon, France, June 17-21.

The award was given in recognition of her presentation of research on regolith removal on the Moon.

Awardee  Ms.Sara Ghaleb Ramadan Aziz (Electrical and Space Systems Engineering Course, Graduate School of Engineering)
Presentation Title Experimental Investigation of Utilizing Electron Beam and Electric Field to Release Silica Dust from the Solar Cell Surface Covered with PDMS Film
Supervisor Professor. Dr.Kazuhiro Toyoda ( Department of Space Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering)

Ms.Sara Ghaleb Ramadan Aziz

Ms.Sara Ghaleb Ramadan Aziz



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