Kyutech and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) co-organized the 11th International Joint Symposium on Applied Sciences and Engineering (SAES2023) during 20th-21st November 2023, hosted by UPM.
The SAES has been providing a unique platform for researchers, students, scientists, and engineers to share their knowledge and their latest research since 2013, and after 3 years of virtual meetings (SAES2020, 2021, and 2022) due to the pandemic, SAES2023 was held in face-to-face / physical mode and provided various opportunities to expand international academic network and enhance academic collaborations.
As many as 201 researchers and students from Kyutech, UPM, and other 17 universities presented their research works in the domains of Biological and Life Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Engineering and Technology, and Material Sciences. Total of nearly 330 participants, including 42 audience, 26 committee members, students, the keynote speakers, VIPs, and the honorable guests from the Embassy of Japan in Malaysia, enjoyed 2 days of the international gathering and foster international academic networking in Malaysia.
SAES2023 also welcomed the special joint session by the students of Kyutech and UPM to present their student mobility program, and hold the Co-Funding Joint Research Mid-term & Final Report Meetings, the Steering Committee Meeting, and signing ceremony to renew the MOA on management of UPM-Kyutech Malaysia Super Satellite Campus (MSSC).
Kyutech would like to extend the deepest gratitude to UPM, Organizing Committee Chair and members, participants, and student helpers, and all other staff and volunteers who supported this international joint symposium, and looking forward to hosting SAES2024 in next year.

Token Exchange

Keynote Speech by Prof. Kazuya Tsukamoto (Kyutech)

Meet and Greet with Embassy of Japan in Malaysia

Oral Presentation

Poster Presentation

Joint Research Meeting

Special Student Session

MOA signing by Vice Chancellor of UPM, Dato Prof. Dr. Ahmad Farhan Mohd Sadullah and President of Kyutech, Prof. Dr. Yasunori Mitani