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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the National University Corporation Kyushu Institute of Technology

1. Basic Policy

Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech) deeply recognizes the importance of the protection and management of personal information, and handles personal information in accordance with the following policy.

(1) Compliance with laws and regulations

Kyutech appropriately handles personal information and specified personal information (hereinafter “Personal Information, etc.”) by complying with relevant laws and regulations including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures.

* Personal information means information concerning a living individual which can identify a specific individual.
* Specific personal information means personal information which includes an identification number in the details of that information.

(2) Collection, storage and destruction of Personal Information, etc.

Kyutech collects and stores Personal Information, etc. through lawful and fair means, and promptly destroys Personal Information, etc. that is no longer needed.

(3) Management of Personal Information, etc.

Kyutech takes necessary measures to prevent the leaking, loss and tampering of Personal Information, etc., and other necessary measures for the appropriate management of Personal Information, etc. in its possession.

(4) Request for disclosure of Personal Information, etc.

If you make a request for the disclosure, correction or suspension of use of your Personal Information, etc., Kyutech will take appropriate action.

2. Purposes of Use of Personal Information, etc. Collected by Kyutech

When Kytutech collects personal information as necessary, it will clarify the purposes of use, limit the scope of use of the personal information it collects to the scope necessary for achieving those purposes, and handle the personal information appropriately.
Kyutech will also specify the purposes of use of specific personal information, and will not use it beyond the scope of the purposes of use either with or without your consent.

3. Provision to Third Parties

Except in the cases stated below, Kyutech will not provide your personal information to any third party without obtaining your consent.
Furthermore, with or without your consent, Kyutech will not provide your specific personal information to any third party except to a limited extent when clearly stated in laws or regulations, etc.

(1) When handling personal information in accordance with laws and regulations,
(2) When it is necessary to protect someone’s life, person or property, and it is difficult to obtain your consent,
(3) When there is a need to cooperate with a national government or local public organization, etc., or
(4) When Kyutech has a particular need for the personal information of students or graduates and notifies you beforehand through printed matter or bulletin, etc.

If you make a request to cease the provision of your personal information to third parties, Kyutech will take prompt action.

4. Provision of Personal Information to the Alumni Association

Kyutech provides personal information of students and graduates to its alumni association (Meisen-kai) to facilitate student support activities. However, Kyutech does not provide specific personal information.

Handling of Personal Information of Students, etc. of the Kyushu Institute of Technology

Rules Concerning the Appropriate Handling of Personal Information

At the Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), we believe that protecting the personal information which Kyutech retains concerning examinees, students, graduates, persons who have completed courses, guarantors and other persons constitutes not only protection of the privacy of individuals but also the social responsibility of Kyutech.
Kyutech handles personal information appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Administrative Organs, other relevant laws and regulations, and various rules and regulations established by Kyutech.
Furthermore, Kyutech takes measures necessary for the safe protection of personal information in its possession to prevent the leaking, destruction and tampering of that information.

Clarification of Purposes of Use

Kyutech collects personal information deemed necessary for the operation of the institute including information for the management and operation of the institute, entrance examinations, education and research, student support (welfare, life guidance and career guidance) and the alumni association for the following purposes of use.
Please note that we will obtain your consent if we intend to use your personal information beyond the stated purposes of use.

【Purposes of Use】

Uses within the institute

?For conducting entrance exams and reviewing methods and other procedures for the selection of new students,
?For managing the student register,
?For issuing student IDs and various certificates,
?For tuition payments and payment reminders,
?For the lending and return of books, etc.,
?For the management of campus facilities,
?For information concerning institute events, etc.,
?For various types of information and inquiries after graduation,
?For undertaking matters related to classes,
?For exchanges under academic exchange agreements, etc.,
?For student health management,
?For tuition exemptions and scholarship loans, etc.,
?For student life counseling, etc.,
?For the management of information concerning career paths after graduation, and
?For other operations of Kyutech including educational, research and student support affairs.

Provision outside the institute

- Information concerning students provided to the guarantors concerned, etc.
?For reminders to guarantors concerning unpaid tuition,
?For provision of information to guarantors concerning grades,
?For consultation with guarantors concerning grades, courses and other matters, and
?For other reminder notices to guarantors for the operation of Kyutech including educational, research and student support affairs.

- Provision to the alumni association (Meisen-kai) based on a cooperative agreement with the association
?For the preparation of alumni directories and receipt of various kinds of guidance from the alumni association.

- Provision to government and other public agencies in accordance with provisions of laws and regulations, etc.

Acquisition and Retention of Personal Information

We acquire personal information through the following means.

【Means of Acquisition】

1. Information acquired at the time of the entrance exam,
2. Information acquired from documents submitted during admission procedures and after admission,
3. Information acquired through educational guidance,
4. Information acquired during course study and academic assessments,
5. Information acquired for information system security management,
6. Information acquired from student health diagnoses and patient interviews, and
7. Information acquired from other notifications.

Personal information conferred by the institute

Kyutech automatically provides you with a student ID number, an ID and temporary password for the use of computers, and a student email address. Please fully understand the importance of your self-management of this personal information.

How personal information is used

We appropriately use the personal information we collect in accordance with the purposes of use. Please note that we may post student ID numbers and names on campus bulletin boards to contact students on campus.

Provision of personal information to third parties

Kyutech may provide personal information without your consent to specified third parties approved by Kyutech such as the alumni association (Meisen-kai) and the Japan Student Services Organization when such provision is in accordance with provisions for exceptions stipulated by law (Article 9, Paragraph 2, Items 2 to 4 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information Held by Incorporated Administrative Agencies, etc.).

Personal information provided to specified third parties within the necessary scope

?We may provide personal information to persons such as a doctor or mayor when a student applies for a scholarship repayment exemption.
?We may provide personal information to the Japan Student Services Organization in relation to the payment of study incentives to self-funded international students.
?We will provide to the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services personal information relating to applications for Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research ("Gakkensai" ), Liability Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai" ("Futaibaiseki") Course A("Gakkenbai") , Liability Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai" ("Futaibaiseki")Course B("Intern-bai"), Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with "Gakkensai" for International Students("「Inbound futai-gakuso」")as well as Study Abroad Insurance coupled with "Gakkensai" ("futai-kaigaku").
?We will provide to the Japan Student Services Organization personal information relating to scholarship loan applications and repayments.
?Alumni association (Meisen-kai)

If we outsource the processing or management of personal information, we will limit the entrustment of our affairs to agents recognized for their appropriate handling of personal information, and when entering into an agreement with such agents, we will require their compliance with laws and regulations and Kyutech’s rules and regulations.
Furthermore, in accordance with laws and regulations, we may provide to third parties personal information in our possession that has been processed in a manner that ensures individuals cannot be identified (Anonymized Personal Information of an Independent Administrative Agency or the like).

Personal Information Disclosure and Correction, etc.

Disclosure of personal data retained by Kyutech

If you request the disclosure of personal data retained by Kyutech concerning yourself, we will promptly disclose that information except in cases stated in the following items:

1.When disclosure is in violation of other laws and regulations,
2.When there is a risk disclosure will harm your life, person, property or other rights, or those of a third party,
3.When the personal data retained is personal data concerning personal guidance, assessment, diagnosis, or selection, etc., and there is a risk its disclosure will significantly hinder that guidance, assessment, diagnosis, or selection, etc., or
4.When disclosure will hinder the proper execution of operations of the institute, or the request itself will significantly hinder the affairs of the institute.

Correction and suspension of use of personal information

Students and guarantors may request the disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, or suspension of use of their personal information.
Furthermore, if you make a request for the correction, addition, deletion or suspension of use (hereinafter “correction, etc.”) of your personal information, we will undertake the correction, etc. without delay.

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